karimganjcollege@gmail.com  +91-3843-262108 


The College has a rich library of more than 29 thousand books which is in the process of computerisation. Students are allowed to borrow two books at a time (in case of Honours students, more books may be allowed) and they are to return the books as per Library rules framed from time to time by the Library Committee.
The students will have to pay cost for damage of books and fine for delay in returning the books. Students will be able to take notes and read books/ Newspapers/Journals etc. in the Reading Room. The reading room will remain open between 10-30 a.m. and 5 p.m. on all working days. The students can submit requisition for books from 12 noon to3 pm.
Reprographic services are also available against payment of cost fixed by the librarian.
The College Library is equipped with SOUL software and ROT service facilities. Internet facility is also available in college library.
The College also has a rich Book Bank which extends its services to the students as per Book Bank Rules.

Library Bearer
Nilendu Das
Monoj Kumar Das

Journals & Magazines

Science: Current Science, Indian Journal of Physics, Pramana, Ecobios, Gyanbichitra. Arts – Economic Political Weekly, Social Scientist.
Commerce: Yojona.
General: University News, Yoga.
Magazine: Khela, Desh, India Today, Saptahik Bartaman, Employment News, Competition Success.
News Papers: Altogether seven national and local dailies.

Total Number of Books 29246
Book Bank 2526
Reference 1487
General Text 27759

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