karimganjcollege@gmail.com  +91-3843-262108 


Committees and Cell

Placement Cell:

The placement cell has been established this year to facilitate placement of students. The main objective of the cell are as follows : (i) To provide guidance to the students in search of their appropriate placement (ii) To establish linkage with different recruiting agencies (iii) To register the final year students with their bio-data for extending placement assistance. Sri Godapani Sarma, Assistant Professor, Deptt. of Economics and Sri Gautam Bose, Assistant Professor, Deptt. of Mathematics are the Co-ordinators of the Cell.

Information and Career Guidance Cell:

The Information and Career Guidance Cell has been setup with the objectives (i) to guide students in selecting suitable courses of study by providing them with all relevant information. (ii) to create awareness about self-employment and entrepreneurship, and also career options among students (iii) to provide basic information about opportunities for self-employment and entrepreneurship and support system available for the same. Sri Krishna Pada Das, Assistant Professor, Deptt. of Mathematics is the Co-ordinator of the Cell.

Karimganj College Cine Club:

Founded in 2012, the Karimganj College Cine-Club is dedicated to screen quality and award winning movies of India and abroad. The Club has already organised three International Film Festivals in 2013 and 2014. Dr. Bishwajit Bhattacharjee, Deptt. of Bengali and Sri Sudip Sinha, Deptt. of English are the joint conveners of the Cine Club.

Grievance Redressal Cell:

The College has a Grievance Redressal Cell to deal with the written complaint filed by a student or his/her guardian claiming unfair or unjust or inequitable treatment or expressing inadequacy of services and facilities. All the grievances are to be addressed to the Chairman, the Grievance Redressal Cell of the College and it may be dropped in the grievance box at college office.

UGC Network Resource Centre:

The College offers internet facilities through this centre to create awareness among the students about the use of Computer in various activities and to provide access to multimedia materials in learning process at places of eminence in India and abroad with a nominal user-charge. Sri Rajat Subhra Paul, Dept. of Physics is the Convener of UGC-NRC Cell. 

UGC Planning Board:

The College has a UGC Planning Board. Dr. Bishwajit Bhattacharjee, Assistant Professor, Department of Bengali is the Co-ordinator of the said Planning Board.

Separate Boys’ & Girls’ Hostel:

Separate Boys’ and Girls’ Hostel facilities to the extent of about 55 seats for male and 50 seats for female students are available. The seats will be allotted on merit cum distance basis. Students are instructed to mention in the application form (for admission to college) if they need hostel accommodation.

Gymnasium & Yoga Centre:

The College has a well equipped Gymnasium and Yogo Centre managed by qualified instructors who impart Gymnastic and Yogo training to the students. Sri Biswajit Ghosh, Physical Instructor acts as the in-charge of the centre. To develop physical and mental health, the College has made this training complusory for all students. A user’s charge of Rs. 100/- per annum is collected from each student to meet the expenditure of the centre. 

NSS & Extension Activities: 

The College encourages the Students to participate in NSS. Students can involve themselves in nation building activities through NSS. The College also encourages the aspect of education which emphasised the neighbourhood interactions. The Extension Activites are integrated with the curricula, so as to expand the opportunities to help, serve, reflect and learn. Dr. S.Roy Choudhury, Deptt. of Zoology is the Officer- in- charge of NSS & the Exension Activities of the College.

Health Centre: 

College provides medical checkup facilities to the students, teachers and other employees of the College on every Wednesday. Dr. M. S. Dasgupta, M.B.B.S., attends the Health Centre from 2 p.m. to 3- 30 p.m. on Tuesday and extends health services to the College Community


The NCC unit of Karimganj College is known as Alpha Company and is under the jurisdiction of 4 Assam BN. The NCC unit of Karimganj College has celebrated its Golden Jubilee in 2002. The authorised enrolment strength of the company is 120. In addition to this, the College has raised a Central Government Funded (CGF) platoon with effect from the academic Session 2002-2003. The NCC cadets after successful completion of training can appear B & C certificate examinations. Lt. Gadapani Sarma, Asstt. Prof. of Economics has been working as the Company Commandar of the NCC Unit of Karimganj College . The selected cadets also enjoy the benifit of attending different NCC camps held across the country. All NCC Cadets are provided with uniform items free of cost. The Cadets are given refreshment and washing allowance as per rule. Several scholarships have been provided to outstanding cadets.

YUVA Tourism Club, Karimganj College, Karimganj

As per the direction of the Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India and the DHE, Assam, (Letter no. DHE/EG/EYTC/183/2023/30, dated: 24.07.2023) the YUVA Tourism Club, Karimganj College has been established in 31st of July, 2023 with an objective of promoting Tourism as an important and integral part of higher education system. Dr. Saumya Kanti Biswas, has been nominated as the Faculty-in-charge of the Club. The other Faculty Club Members are: Dr. Sujit Tewari, Sri Gadapani Sarma, Ms. Rupali Daolagajao, Dr. Anup Sinha and Sri Pinak Dey. The founding student members of the Club representing all the three streams – Arts, Science and Commerse are Rajashi Deb, Ananya Dutta Choudhury, Rajbir Shome and Subhashree Chakraborty. Since the beginning of its journey, the Club has been organizing and participating in remarkable programmes for the promotion and development of tourism and tourism awareness among the students of the College. The Club also extended its scope to collaborate with NCC, NSS, College Hostels and other Departments to encourage and promote the culture and philosophy of tourism among the students. Over the years the Club has participated in the programmes related to Rashtriya Poshan Month, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan etc. and has organized seminars and conferences for the elevation and promotion of the culture of tourism as an integral part of education among the students.


A study centre of IGNOU has been activated in the College for a number of programmes since the Session 2005-06. The diverse programme of IGNOU and the admission criteria can be obtained from the office of the co-ordinator of the study centre.

Other Co-curricular and Extra-curricular support for students include:

  • Literary Forum & Cultural Forum
  • Mentor System in teaching
  • Debating Club
  • Remedial/Bridge Course & Tutorial Classes
  • College Play Ground
  • College Canteen
  • Separate Boys’ & Girls’ Day Home
  • Student Aid Fund


Internal Complaint Committee is constituted to deal with complaints of sexual harassment at work place. Following are the members of Internal Complaint Committee:

Members (Teachers)

  1. Dr. (Mrs.) Kismat Sultana, Chairperson ✆8133077893
  2. Dr. (Mrs.) Susmita Roy, Convenor ✆9435076364
  3. Dr. (Mrs.) Monolina Nandy Roy
  4. Dr. Samiran Debnath
  5. Dr. (Mrs.) Aparna Ghosh Das
  6. Ms. Rupali Daulagajao

Members (External)

  1. Sharvani Choudhury, Advocate

Members (Office)

  1. Sri Joydeep Das (Male Member)
  2. Mrs. Moutushi Dey (Female Member)

Members (Students)

  1. One Male student
  2. Female Student
  3. Female Student

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